First of all, I don't know about your trading platform, but mine started to lock up about 13 minutes pre close. This is always a bad sign in the last 20 minutes of the trading when a platform starts acting squirrely because it typically means there are massive MOC trade imbalances that market makers are having trouble resolving. For the last 10 minutes of the day the quotes were essentially locked and the charts blank. If you can't get a reliable quote, you don't want to trade and if you do, you had better use a limit order. Ultimately, I couldn't get a final print until 8 minutes after the market closed. The other issue is simply time related risk management. In the midst of earnings season, with weekend coming up and a global financial meltdown in progress, what are the odds that favor holding positions over that time frame with no exit? Pretty slim.

What the downslope NYAD was telling me was that the little green surge in the last 10 minutes was the result of shorts covering, rather than longs buying.
I recently found your site and find it very educational...question could you briely describe how you use the TICK in your trading...thank you
I use the TICK slope as a confirming indicator. See the side panel on the blog "How I Trade" and check out Fade4, Gaps1, Gaps2 and Trendday4 for some particulars. Also see my archived posts from May 16 and May 30.
Hope that helps.
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