RIMM, IBM, XRX, EK, etc., all had great earnings, but all are getting whacked every day.
And lest you think that 42 will provide the buying opportunity of the decade, take a peek at the lower chart, which is the bullish % index for the NDX. The chart suggests that we are just starting a downturn cycle after all those buyers at the last 42 support stopped slapping themselves on the back for their brilliant technical insight. Of course, I may simply be channeling Chicken Little here. . . the sky may not be falling . . . but if the Qs do fall though 42 with gusto, then the possibility of a plunge to 36 becomes a distinct likelihood.
As an aside . . .how the homebuilders can be rising every day on consistent upgrades is a real head scratcher for me. I'm just waiting for the short covering to get exhausted so I can buy some TOL puts.
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